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Copyright Policy
In fulfilling its mission to prepare and disseminate studies of digital age policy issues, PFF respects the importance of intellectual property rights. In particular, PFF respects authors' rights under the copyright laws, and is committed to making only appropriate uses of copyrighted work (e.g., fair or authorized uses) and to providing appropriate attribution. PFF also recognizes the importance of enabling others to use its work, and therefore authorizes others to use brief excerpts or quotations from PFF publications in news reports, articles or reviews. Anyone who would like to copy or reproduce in any other way all or part of any PFF publication (including any material on PFF or related websites) should request permission to do so. The request must:
  • Identify the title and author of the PFF publication.
  • Specify the material that you wish to use and the manner in which you intend to use it.
  • Include the name, address, phone number, email and fax number of an appropriate contact person.
Any such request, or any question regarding PFF's use of copyrighted material, should be sent by mail or by email to the following address:

Copyright Permissions
The Progress & Freedom Foundation
1444 Eye Street, NW, Suite 500
Washington, D.C. 20005
Phone: 202-289-8928
Fax: 202-289-6079
Email: mail@pff.org



The Progress & Freedom Foundation